Submit Your Tool

Drag & drop an image here or click to select
Drag & drop an webp animation here or click to select
  • * Try provide webp animation of the tool in action, it will greatly increase your chance of approval.
  • * If you leave the description blank, we will try to extract it from your homepage.
  • * In order to get listed, you need to add a backlink to on your site.

Listing Policy

To get listed or updated, add a backlink to in the header or footer of your site menu in the format:
This way we know you are in control of the the site.

Alternatively, you can choose to use our widget. This will greatly increase the likelihood of approval. ^_^

How to install? Click on "Copy embed code" and paste this code into the source code of the home page of your website.

What You Will Get

  • 🚀
    Fast Listing with Animation Coverage
    Get your tool listed and highlighted with engaging animations (if you uploaded feature webp) within 48 hours, no waiting.
  • 🔗
    Boost Your SEO with Dofollow Links
    Receive 6 quality dofollow links to enhance your search engine rankings and drive natural traffic.
  • 📈
    Permanent Listing & Traffic
    Your tool remains permanently listed, attracting constant clicks and subscribers.
  • 💼
    Website Services & SEO Tools
    Enjoy free ad exposure, reach a wider audience, and look forward to future webmaster services.

Frequently Asked Questions

⭐️ How much does it cost to list a tool?
Currently, it costs nothing to list a tool. However, you are required to add a backlink to in the header or footer of your site menu.
⭐️ How long does it take to be listed after I submit?
Your submitted tool will be processed within 7 days. You will be notified by email whether your submission is approved or not.
⭐️ Does my listing expire?
No, your listing does not expire.
⭐️ How can I get more views?
Listing alone does not guarantee more views, but you can consider advertising with us. We guarantee clicks.
⭐️ Why wasn't my tool listed?
  • You did not add a backlink to in the required format or use our widget.
  • Your tool must be NSFW and preferably AI-related. VR/AR, hardware, and games are also acceptable.
  • Your site is not optimized for mobile and desktop.
  • Your site contains excessive ads or more than two popunders.
  • Your site contains scams, viruses, or cryptominers.
⭐️ Does listing guarantee sales or traffic?
No, listing your tool does not guarantee sales or traffic. Consider advertising on our site; we guarantee clicks.
⭐️ Any questions?
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at our email for further assistance.